Heather Ames



The Center of Excellence for Learning in Education, Science, and Technology (CELEST) is an NSF-funded Science of Learning Center. CELEST was founded in 2004 and is comprised of neuroscientists, educators, and engineers at several Boston-area universities.

CELEST’s central vision is to understand brain mechanisms of learning, with particular emphasis on the role of dynamical interactions with and between brain regions. CELEST also strives to build computational models of these mechanisms and then use these models to build applications ready to use to solve real world problems.

I have been part of CELEST since it began, first as a graduate student and now as a postdoc. Currently, I am serving as co-director of CELEST technology efforts and as member of the CELEST governing board. Along with my research activities and technology outreach activities, I co-founded the CELEST student and postdoc organization and served as its president for two years and then on its advisory board for two years.. I organized several important activities within the center including coordinating career day events, hosting distinguished lecturers, chairing workshops, and facilitating communication between the faculty and students and postdocs within the center. I was the co-PI and general chair for the 2010 inter-Science of Learning Center (iSLC) conference. Within iSLC, I am serving as a founding member of the newly forned governing board.

For more information about CELEST, visit the CELEST website

For more information about iSLC, visit the iSLC website